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Pattern Searching

Task :  Find the pattern from the text. If the pattern is present print found else print not found. Example: Input:  2 hellofriends hello asdfghjkl ask Output: found not found Here is the Code : Program in C++: #include<iostream> #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main()  { int t; cin>>t; while(t--) {     string s1,s2;     cin>>s1;     cin>>s2;     int n=s1.length(),m=s2.length();     // Implementation of logic     if(n<m)     {         cout<<"not found"<<endl;     }     else     {         int c = 0;         for(int i=0;i<=n-m;i++)         {             string t = s1.substr(i,m);             if(t == s2)             {                 cout<<"found"<<endl;                 c=1;                 break;             }         }         if(c==0) cout<<"not found"<<endl;     } } return 0; } Here is the Video: