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Java | Operators: Operators are used for performing calculations. List of Operators:          Additional Operator: Add two values with this additional operator, it is denoted by '+'.                                                      Ex: 100 +  1.         Subtraction Operator: Minus one value from another value with this operator, it is denoted by '-'.                                                       Ex: 100 - 1.         Multiplication Operator: Multiply two values with this operator, it is denoted by '*'.                                              Ex: 100 * 1.         Division Operator: Divide one value from another value with this operator, it is denoted by '/'.                                              Ex: 100 / 1.         Modulo Operator: Remainder of dividing one value with another value, it is denoted by '%'. Here is the Code: import*; class Main { public static void main (String[] args) {     // Addition     Syst