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Data types

Java | Data Types: Java data types are strings, numbers and boolean values. One by One: Strings:          The strings are nothing but collection of characters and also text is in between double quotes.          Numbers:         The numbers are sub divided into int, float, double and long.         Ex: 10 is int, 3.14F is float, it takes up to 7 decimal positions, 2.414343 is double,            it takes up to 15 decimal positions and 1234565432112345L is long Boolean:          There are two boolean values, those are true and false. Here is the Code: import*; class Main { public static void main (String[] args) {      // String      System.out.println("cool");      // Integer  System.out.println(1); // float takes up to 7 decimal positions System.out.println(3.1421242323243554545F); // double takes up to 15 decimal positions System.out.println(2.4143245423242342321); // long  System.out.println(12345432123454321L); // boolean System.ou