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Definition of an Algorithm:

An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure or a set of rules designed to solve a specific problem or accomplish a defined task in a finite amount of time. It is a well-defined computational process that takes input and produces output.

*** Characteristics of an Algorithm ***
An algorithm must satisfy the following characteristics:

The algorithm should have well-defined inputs.
Inputs can be zero or more quantities.

The algorithm must produce at least one output.
The output should be the solution to the problem.

The algorithm must terminate after a finite number of steps.
Infinite loops or unending calculations violate this characteristic.

Each step of the algorithm must be precisely defined.
Ambiguity in any step should be avoided.

Each operation should be basic enough to be carried out by a computing agent (such as a person or a computer) in a finite amount of time.

Performance Analysis:
Performance analysis involves evaluating an algorithm based on two key criteria:
1. Time Complexity
2. Space Complexity

Time Complexity:
Time complexity refers to the amount of computational time an algorithm takes to complete as a function of the size of the input.

Growth Notations -
Big-O Notation (𝑂):
Represents the upper bound of an algorithm's running time.
𝑂(𝑛^2) for Bubble Sort in the worst case.

Big-Θ Notation (Θ)
Represents the tight bound, indicating the exact time complexity.
Example: Θ(nlogn) for Merge Sort in average and worst cases.

Big-Ω Notation (Ω)
Represents the lower bound, indicating the best-case complexity.
Example: Ω(n) for Linear Search when the element is the first item.

Common Time Complexities

Constant Time (O(1)): Accessing an element in an array.
Logarithmic Time (O(logn)): Binary Search.
Linear Time (O(n)): Linear Search.
Quadratic Time (O(n ^2)): Bubble Sort.
Exponential Time (O(2 ^n)): Solving the Tower of Hanoi problem.

Space Complexity:
Space complexity refers to the amount of memory space required by an algorithm to execute as a function of the input size.

Components of Space Complexity

Fixed Part: Space required to store constants, program variables, and instructions.
Variable Part: Space required for dynamic allocations, input size, and recursion stack.

Linear Space (O(n)): Storing a list of n elements.
Constant Space (O(1)): Swapping two variables.

#Space #Complexity #Fixed #Variable #Part #Time #Complexity #Growth #Notations #Big-O #Big-Θ #Big-Ω #Constant #Logarithmic #Linear #Quadratic #Exponential #Complexities #Performance #Analysis #Time #Space #Complexity #algorithm #Characteristics #Algorithm #well-defined #Input #Output #Finiteness #Definiteness #Effectiveness #Algorithm #definition
