Style | HTML: Style tag used to modify the properties with their related values.
Syntax: <tagname style ="property:value;"> </tagname>
List of Modifications with Style:
1. Font Family, Font Size and color
2. Text align
3. Background color
4. Horizontal line
Here is the Style.html:
- <!DOCTYPE html>
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>style tag in Html</title>
- </head>
- <body style = "background-color:green;">
- <hr>
- <h1>Font Family, Font Size and Color</h1>
- <h1 style = "font-family:cambria;"> Font Fomily in Html</h1>
- <h1 style = "font-size:50px;"> Font Size in Html</h1>
- <h1 style = "color:#FF0000;"> Color in Html</h1>
- <hr>
- <h1>Text align </h1>
- <h1 style = "Text-align:center;">Text align in Html</h1>
- <hr>
- </body>
- </html>
Web view of Html:
Here is the Video:
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